Sunday, 6 May 2012

Formless Movement
To be able to differentiate the difference between Formless Fighting and other styles of martial arts we have to understand that that the majority of these arts utilise rote learning techniques, which focuses on the memorization of routines through repetitive structures, design to program the mind/body connection with specific applications, techniques, methods and skills.
This process conditions the body to perform specific mechanical movements in a pre-choreographed manner by which the individual can draw a variation of techniques from what they have been mentally programmed with.
Formless Fighting on the other hand focuses on conditioning the body to move naturally, freely, openly and formlessly. This process enables the body to be able to naturally access a wide range of movements based on its ability to adapt to the flow of energy circulating through the body at any given time.
What this means is that the body learns to move in a manner unbound by specific pre-programmed techniques, but rather it just moves in any and all direction at different levels of intensity, speed, power and elasticity.
This application is quite raw, as there is no intentional direction, but rather the student wilfully surrenders their body from any mental or emotional control of the process. This in turn allows the flow of energy to circulate freely through the body where it naturally caters to the Internal Healing process, and if this process is consciously worked with in the right manner it assists students to cultivate their spiritual nature.
On the other hand, if the body is trained to fight, it can also be incorporated in to Formless Movement, thus allowing the student to express their fighting capabilities through the very same process as of the healing applications!  
A good analogy for this is that if you can imagine the body to be like a live wire, with a current of energy running through it. If the wire is left alone, it naturally moves around in all directions, but if we hold the wire, we can direct where the energy goes, thus controlling how the wire moves.  

Master Yioaue

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