Friday, 25 May 2012

Emotional Being

Because Consciousness animates us with life, it also gives life to every emotion, thought, feeling and action we express, for each of these energies is an entity in their own right. For every time we emanate one of these energies we are not only contributing to their collective but we are also allowing them to reign power over us, for we become the vessel that they play out their nature through. 

An example of this is – every time we feel and express love, we are contributing to its collective, – which empowers it as a collective yet it also empowers it within us.

Every time we express these energies we strengthen them, yet at the same time we also strengthen it within ourselves, to the extent that it lives harmoniously within our structure and our lives. Because we house these energies we radiate them in our lives, thus attracting situations that need these energies. This process also applies to negative energies, for every time we emanate these energies, allowing them to conduit through us, we contribute to their collective – empowering them as a collective and empowering them within our structure and in our lives as well, in turn becoming predominant in our lives, thus having a stronger hold over us, for we eventually become a slave to them.

Every emotion is the offspring of its collective, for each emotion is a part of a larger entity that plays out their energy through us. For every time we feel and express an emotion, we contribute to that being’s growth – for it lives through us.

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