Friday, 25 May 2012

Emotional Being

Because Consciousness animates us with life, it also gives life to every emotion, thought, feeling and action we express, for each of these energies is an entity in their own right. For every time we emanate one of these energies we are not only contributing to their collective but we are also allowing them to reign power over us, for we become the vessel that they play out their nature through. 

An example of this is – every time we feel and express love, we are contributing to its collective, – which empowers it as a collective yet it also empowers it within us.

Every time we express these energies we strengthen them, yet at the same time we also strengthen it within ourselves, to the extent that it lives harmoniously within our structure and our lives. Because we house these energies we radiate them in our lives, thus attracting situations that need these energies. This process also applies to negative energies, for every time we emanate these energies, allowing them to conduit through us, we contribute to their collective – empowering them as a collective and empowering them within our structure and in our lives as well, in turn becoming predominant in our lives, thus having a stronger hold over us, for we eventually become a slave to them.

Every emotion is the offspring of its collective, for each emotion is a part of a larger entity that plays out their energy through us. For every time we feel and express an emotion, we contribute to that being’s growth – for it lives through us.

Formless Books

Stayed up all night designing 11 new covers for my books and then placing them on my website was fun, but long process. if your interested in having a read of them you can purchase them through the website, just go here  "Web Store".

In the mean time here's a few pictures of the new covers.

Yes, I know they're plain and simple...But simple is best!

Master Yioaue

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Monday, 21 May 2012

The Great Deception

The greatest deception placed upon man is having us believe that who we identify ourselves to be is our true and only identity.  

When in actual fact who we perceive ourselves to be is a foreign entity in comparison to our Authentic Identity. For the False Identity is an entity in its own right that lives through us. It may appear to us that we are the ones interacting through the physical body, that we are the ones thinking, feeling, speaking and acting, but that is the illusion, for in truth, it is the energy of the False Identity that works through us.  

The greatest atrocity has been the creation of a social system that not only has us interacting in it as this illusive being but has also got us participating and contributing to its hold over us. 

What this means is that the very systems in society that we have come to rely and depend on are in actual fact the very systems used to keep us interacting as this illusive being. We are kept so busy and distracted by these systems that we never see beyond their facade and even if we did realise this truth, we would probably not give up the comforts that we have become accustomed and addicted too, and have come to not only depend on but also accept as a means of defining our identity and individuality. 

We have become so enmeshed within our own falsehood that we can no longer identify that what we have come to accept as normal is in actual fact an offence against our Authenticity. But because we cannot differentiate our reality from that of another, we just accept that this life and the world we live in is just the way it was meant to be, all the time believing that we are free, when in actual fact it is the furthest thing from the truth. 

Society has been meticulously crafted to give the illusion that we are free agents within its existence, when in actual fact from a young age we are programmed to contribute to society’s growth and conditioned to meet its standards, and as a result we blindly strive to participate in this matrix that enslaves us to its hidden agenda without us even knowing any better. 

This hidden agenda is what has been kept away from us for a many centuries. As over the years those in the know have ensured that we the people remain so distracted that we cannot even begin to search for the truth.  

This truth is the greatest evil unknown to mankind – I say unknown because to some extent man has not been aware that the greatest evil imaginable has been hiding amongst us, masquerading as us and interacting in life through us.    And all this time we have been foolishly accepting our behaviour as part of our human nature, never realising that it’s not this identity – the False Identity that makes us human (even though we think so) but rather it is the fact that we are the living energy of Free Will and Choice.

But the significance behind this massage has become so distorted that we have lost touch with our own identity and instead of surrendering our falsehood, we strive to better our position within its matrix.  

Unknowingly man has allowed himself to be bought by the many systems put into place, just to keep him away from this truth – That we as a race are evolving as the False Identity in turn contributing to the collective consciousness of the False Identity in becoming consciously aware of itself.

Master Yioaue

Monday, 14 May 2012


True power isn't measured by how many boards, bricks or bats we can break. But rather it is measured by how well we cope with the process of surrendering our own falsehood!


The reality is that we can continue to live our lives the same way we always have – Same thoughts, same words, same feelings, same actions, same issues, same triggers, same behaviours, same neuroses’, same fears, same doubts, same attitude, same perceptions, same believes and same old life style. Or we can change!
Just because one is comfortable and /or happy were they are in life at any given time, doesn’t necessarily mean it is in the best interest of their highest good. Because until you actualise who you truly are as a spiritual being, you are only living and experiencing life as the False Identity you have grown up to believe you are!

Wednesday, 9 May 2012


For those of us that have returned and abide within, it is known as The Kingdom – Home. To those that still dwell outside, it is The Forbidden Kingdom; for never shall you return as long as you don’t surrender who you believe to be, for you as the False Identity have no home within, only the outer world shall ever house your illusion.

Master Yioaue

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Formless Movement
To be able to differentiate the difference between Formless Fighting and other styles of martial arts we have to understand that that the majority of these arts utilise rote learning techniques, which focuses on the memorization of routines through repetitive structures, design to program the mind/body connection with specific applications, techniques, methods and skills.
This process conditions the body to perform specific mechanical movements in a pre-choreographed manner by which the individual can draw a variation of techniques from what they have been mentally programmed with.
Formless Fighting on the other hand focuses on conditioning the body to move naturally, freely, openly and formlessly. This process enables the body to be able to naturally access a wide range of movements based on its ability to adapt to the flow of energy circulating through the body at any given time.
What this means is that the body learns to move in a manner unbound by specific pre-programmed techniques, but rather it just moves in any and all direction at different levels of intensity, speed, power and elasticity.
This application is quite raw, as there is no intentional direction, but rather the student wilfully surrenders their body from any mental or emotional control of the process. This in turn allows the flow of energy to circulate freely through the body where it naturally caters to the Internal Healing process, and if this process is consciously worked with in the right manner it assists students to cultivate their spiritual nature.
On the other hand, if the body is trained to fight, it can also be incorporated in to Formless Movement, thus allowing the student to express their fighting capabilities through the very same process as of the healing applications!  
A good analogy for this is that if you can imagine the body to be like a live wire, with a current of energy running through it. If the wire is left alone, it naturally moves around in all directions, but if we hold the wire, we can direct where the energy goes, thus controlling how the wire moves.  

Master Yioaue